
In a magical world, parallel to ours, a Lunar System has existed since ancient times. At its centre shines the Mother Moon, a celestial body as large as our Sun. A rather unique satellite orbits the Mother Moon! But it’s not a real satellite. It is a megastructure in the shape of a half-moon. And, difficult it may be to believe, it’s a school! A school for extraordinary teenagers, gifted with special powers. It is called The Moon Academy.

In a magical world, parallel to ours, a Lunar System has existed since ancient times. At its centre shines the Mother Moon, a celestial body as large as our Sun. A rather unique satellite orbits the Mother Moon! But it’s not a real satellite. It is a megastructure in the shape of a half-moon. And, difficult it may be to believe, it’s a school! A school for extraordinary teenagers, gifted with special powers. It is called The Moon Academy.


In a magical world, parallel to ours, a Lunar System has existed since ancient times. At its centre shines the Mother Moon, a celestial body as large as our Sun. A rather unique satellite orbits the Mother Moon! But it’s not a real satellite. It is a megastructure in the shape of a half-moon. And, difficult it may be to believe, it’s a school! A school for extraordinary teenagers, gifted with special powers. It is called The Moon Academy.